This delay impacts related specifications and data, such as new emoji characters. As a consequence, the deadline for submission of new emoji character proposals for Emoji 14.0 was extended until September 1, 2020.
Pausing Processing of New Emoji Proposals ⏸️
The Emoji Subcommittee is in the process of revising the submission form. Until the new submission form is ready on April 15, 2021, proposals will be returned to sender. During this period the committee will also be prioritizing Emoji 15.0 initiatives as described in document L2/20-197.
Submissions for Emoji 15.0 Open April 2021 ▶️
The Emoji Subcommittee will be accepting new emoji character proposals for Emoji 15.0 from April 15, 2021 onward. Any new emoji characters incorporated into Emoji 15.0 can be expected to appear on devices such as computers, phones, and tablets in 2023.
Edited 2021-03-31 to reflect modification of the opening date from April 2 to April 15.
Over 140,000 characters are available for adoption
to help the Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages