Unicode CLDR 26 has been released, providing an update to the key
building blocks for software supporting the world's languages. This data
is used by a
spectrum of companies for their software internationalization and
localization, adapting software to the conventions of different
languages for such common software tasks. This release focused primarily
on Unicode 7.0 compatibility, Survey Tool improvements, increased
coverage, new units, and improvements to collation and RBNF. Changes
include the following:
- Data Growth: Major increase in the
number of translations, with 77 locales now reaching the 100%
modern coverage level, and an overall growth of about 20% in data.
- Units: Added 72 new units, added display names for all
units and a new perUnitPattern (eg, liters per second).
- Collation: Updated collation (sorting) to Unicode 7.0,
moved Unihan radical-stroke collation into root to avoid
duplication, used import to reduce source size by 23% and ease
maintenance. Major changes to Arabic collation.
- Spell-out numbers: improvements for round-trip fidelity;
new syntax for use of plural categories.
- Specification: documented new structure, \x{h...h} syntax
for Unicode code points; construction of “unit per unit”
formats; clarified BCP47 and Unicode identifiers, and different
kinds of locale lookup, matching, and inheritance.
- Survey Tool: Major improvements to the UI to make it
easier and faster to enter and check data.
Details are provided in
along with a detailed Migration section.