Thursday, April 13, 2023

ICU 73 Released

ICU LogoUnicode® ICU 73 has just been released. ICU is the premier library for software internationalization, used by a wide array of companies and organizations to support the world's languages, implementing both the latest version of the Unicode Standard and of the Unicode locale data (CLDR). ICU 73 updates to CLDR 43 locale data with various additions and corrections.

ICU 73 improves Japanese and Korean short-text line breaking, reduces C++ memory use in date formatting, and promotes the Java person name formatter from tech preview to draft.

ICU 73 and CLDR 43 are minor releases, mostly focused on bug fixes and small enhancements. (The fall CLDR/ICU releases will update to Unicode 15.1 which is planned for September.)

ICU 73 updates to the time zone data version 2023c (March 2023). Note that pre-1970 data for a number of time zones has been removed, as has been the case in the upstream tzdata release since 2021b.

For details, please see

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