Via the online Survey Tool, contributors supply data for their languages — data that is widely used to support much of the world’s software. This data is also a factor in determining which languages are supported on mobile phones and computer operating systems.
It is important to review the Migration section for changes that might require action by implementations using CLDR directly or indirectly (eg, via ICU).
CLDR 43 is a limited-submission release, focusing on just a few areas:
Formatting Person Names
- Completing the data for formatting person names, allowing it to advance out of “tech preview”. For more information on the benefits of this feature, see Background.
- Adding substantially to the LikelySubtags data: This is used to find the likely writing system and country for a given language, used in normalizing locale identifiers and inheritance. The data has been contributed by SIL.
- Inheritance: Adding components to parentLocales, and documenting the different inheritance for rgScope data, which inherits primarily by region.
Other data updates
- In English, Türkiye is now the primary country name for the country code TR, and Turkey is available as an alternate. Other locales have been reviewed to see whether similar changes would be appropriate.
- Name for the new timezone Ciudad Juárez.
- Adding some structure and data needed for ICU4X & JavaScript, for calendar eras and parentLocales.
Collation & Searching
- Treat various quote marks as equivalent at a Primary strength, also including Geresh and Gershayim.
Support Unicode
To support Unicode’s mission to ensure everyone can communicate in their languages across all devices, please consider adopting a character, making a gift of stock, or making a donation. As Unicode, Inc. is a US-based open source, open standards, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, your contribution may be eligible for a tax deduction. Please consult with a tax advisor for details.