Unicode CLDR 25 focused primarily on improvements to the LDML structure and tools, and on consistency of data. There are many smaller data fixes, but there was no general data submission. Changes include the following:
- New rules for plural ranges (1-2 liters) for 72 locales, plurals for 2 locales, and ordinals for 18 locales.
- Better locale matching with fallbacks for languages, default languages for continents and subcontinents, and default scripts for more languages.
- Two new locales: West Frisian (fy) and Uyghur (ug).
- Two new metazones: Mexico_Pacific and Mexico_Northwest
- Updated zh pinyin & zhuyin collations and translators for Unicode 6.3 kMandarin data
- Updated keyboard layout data for OSX, Windows and others.
Details are provided in http://cldr.unicode.org/index/downloads/cldr-25, along with a detailed Migration section.