Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Extended Public Review Issues, 177, 179, 182

The review periods for three public review issues have been extended to July 25, 2011, for review at the August UTC meeting.

The affected PRIs are:

177 Proposed Update UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing

179 Changes to Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines

182 Proposed Update UTS #18: Unicode Regular Expressions

There is an updated version of the proposed update for UTS #18, Unicode Regular Expressions available at . The update only has editorial changes; the UTC did not have enough time to review all of the feedback on this document at its last meeting, and will be reviewing it at the August meeting.

If you have comments for official UTC consideration, please post them by submitting your comments through our feedback & reporting page:

If you wish to discuss issues on the Unicode forum or the Unicode mail list, then please use the following links to subscribe (if necessary). Please be aware that discussion comments on the Unicode mail list are not automatically recorded as input to the UTC. You must use the reporting link above to generate comments for UTC consideration.