Thursday, February 3, 2011

Unicode CLDR announces Survey Tool 2.0 BETA

The Unicode Consortium is announcing the beta test release of the survey tool for data submission for the 2.0 release of Unicode CLDR, the Common Locale Data Repository.

The CLDR survey tool is at

The beta test period allows users to get comfortable with and provide feedback on the user interface before attempting to input real data. Any data entered during the BETA period will be discarded. The CLDR committee plans to switch over to production mode on Monday February 7, 2011, unless we find some critical error during beta period that would prevent that.

If you plan to submit data for the 2.0 release of CLDR you will need a login ID and password associated with your e-mail address.

1. If you have used ST in a previous release of CLDR, your login ID and password are still active.

2. If you need to set up a new account, please see the instructions at

A summary of the new features in 2.0 release of CLDR survey tool is at