Thursday, September 5, 2024

Unicode Consortium - Updated Terms of Use

The Unicode Consortium has recently updated its Terms of Use. These Terms of Use govern the use of Unicode products and services available on Unicode’s website and from third-party hosting sites such as Github. They also govern participation in and contribution to Unicode Consortium activities. 

The updated Terms of Use do not materially change the terms and conditions under which Unicode products and services are made available to users.

These changes:
  • accommodate the evolution in Unicode’s operations and distribution, such as the migration of many Unicode projects to Github and other third-party websites,
  • consolidate the permissions and licenses applicable to Unicode’s various products and services, making them easier to find and understand,
  • update and more clearly communicate Unicode’s technical contribution policies, 
  • incorporate Unicode’s Code of Conduct and other policies, and
  • otherwise clarify language and improve consistency.

Unicode remains committed to its mission to enable people around the world to use computers in any language by making freely available the standards, specifications, software, and data that form the foundation for software internationalization. 

Your use of Unicode’s products, services, and website, as well as your participation in Unicode activities, constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use. Accordingly, we encourage you to review them.