Alpha means that the main data and charts are available for review, but the specification, JSON data, and other components are not yet ready for review. Some data may change if showstopper bugs are found. The planned schedule is:
- Sep 21 — Beta (data)
- Oct 06 — Beta2 (spec)
- Oct 27 — Release
- Grammatical features (gender and case) for units of measurement in additional locales
Phase 1 (v39) of grammatical features included just 12 locales (da, de, es, fr, hi, it, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, sv).
Phase 2 (v40) has expanded the number of locales by 29 (am, ar, bn, ca, cs, el, fi, gu, he, hr, hu, hy, is, kn, lt, lv, ml, mr, nb, pa, ro, si, sk, sl, sr, ta, te, uk, ur), but for a narrower set of units.
- Emoji v14 names and search keywords
- Modernized Survey Tool front end.
Unicode CLDR provides key building blocks for software supporting the world’s languages. CLDR data is used by all major software systems (including all mobile phones) for their software internationalization and localization, adapting software to the conventions of different languages.
Over 140,000 characters are available for adoption
to help the Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages