Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Announcing Updated Technical Group Procedures at Unicode

We are pleased to announce that the Unicode Consortium has updated its Technical Group Procedures. Last revised in January 2022, these new procedures are more closely aligned with our current practices and the evolving needs of our technical governance. This change comes as a result of the collaborative efforts from our technical leadership and Board Governance Committee. Additional input was solicited from the Technical Committee delegates of Unicode’s membership and the Unicode Board. 

Aligning Practices with Needs

Over time, it has become evident that our former procedures were not fully reflective of what our technical groups needed. As a non-profit open source organization at the forefront of developing standards, code, and data that enable people around the world to use computers in any language, our technical procedures must facilitate effective and efficient governance.

Clarity and Efficiency in Governance

The newly revised procedures are designed to provide clear and comprehensive guidelines that will support our technical leadership in managing and directing our technical work more effectively. It also rationalizes the structures and terminology: for example, so that there are two technical groups:
  • The Technical Committees (TCs), responsible for all of the decisions
  • Their Work Groups (WGs) that carry out TC actions, investigate and research issues, and make recommendations to their TCs
The updates to procedures are crucial for ensuring that our decision-making processes remain transparent and aligned with our organizational goals.

Thanks to Our Community

We extend our deepest thanks to everyone involved in the drafting of these updated procedures. The collaboration and dedication of our community members ensure that the Unicode Consortium continues to be a leader in the internationalization of software and services.  We also appreciate the Unicode Board for its unanimous consent to adopt these new procedures.

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Adopt a character or emoji to give it the attention it deserves, while also supporting Unicode’s mission to ensure everyone can communicate in their own languages across all devices.

Each adoption includes a digital badge and certificate that you can proudly display!

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As Unicode, Inc. is a US-based open source, open standards, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, your contribution may be eligible for a tax deduction. Please consult with a tax advisor for details.